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my Dr prescribed Opana 40mg as alternative to Oxy 80 mg 2 twice a day which I would sniff I didn't tell him this of course. he claimed them to be just as good if not
How much better is Opana than Oxycodone.
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Opana vs Oxycodone - Page 3 - Posts about.
I've been reading posts in here and it seems alot of people are/were addicted to vicoden/lortab/norco and oxycontin, but I haven't read about anyone being addicted to

24.11.2011 · someone please help me! What I need to know is does Opana show up the same as oxycodone on a drug test? The reason I want to know this is I am in pain mgmt
11 Answers - Posted in: opana er, oxycontin, pain - Answer: This is just my personal opinion, but if the Opana is making you feel that
hydromorphone (dilaudid) and oxymorphone.
How good is opana for pain relief after taking oxys for so many years? Does it make you feel high or euphoric b/c I don't want that anymore. Responses would be
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